by Ben Vernia | December 16th, 2010
On December 14, the US Agency for International Development suspended Washington, D.C.-based Academy for Educational Development (AED) from participating in government contracts. According to USAID’s press release:
USAID took this suspension action in response to substantiated evidence of misconduct by AED. The Agency takes seriously any allegations involving the mismanagement of U.S. Government funds. USAID is conducting a review of every program associated with AED. The review will determine the best steps forward for ensuring the protection of U.S. taxpayer funds and the continuity of the United States’ development goals. USAID will continue to work closely with OIG during its investigation.
AED issued a press release responding to the suspension:
AED is fully cooperating and is committed to working with USAID on their concerns. We have taken a number of corrective actions, including asking for the resignation of several corporate officers. Furthermore, AED has taken, and is undertaking steps toward strengthening project-oversight processes and accountability, while implementing a full-scale review of our operations. We are proceeding aggressively to implement organizational oversight and internal controls that ensure AED is achieving the highest possible levels of compliance and ethical conduct which will result in having the temporary suspension lifted.