by Ben Vernia | April 22nd, 2011
On April 22, the Department of Justice announced that Dyncorp International, LLC will pay $7.7 million, and The Sandi Group will pay $1.1 million to settle allegations that the companies defrauded the government in connection with contracts in Iraq. According to DOJ’s press release:
The United States has settled a whistleblower lawsuit against DynCorp International LLC and The Sandi Group (TSG), the Justice Department announced today. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that DynCorp and its subcontractor TSG submitted or caused to be submitted false claims for payment under DynCorp’s contract with the Department of State to provide civilian police training in Iraq.
DynCorp has agreed to pay the United States $7.7 million to resolve allegations that it submitted inflated claims for the construction of container camps at various locations in Iraq. TSG agreed to pay $1.01 million to resolve allegations that it sought reimbursement for danger pay that it falsely claimed to have paid its U.S. expatriate employees working in Iraq.
The case was originally brought by two former employees of The Sandi Group, who will receive “up to $481,710” of the recovery. (The relators’ share appears to be based on a portion of the overall recovery relating to their allegations.)